March 9, 2025

Top 5 Strategies Used by Digital Marketers

Digital marketing is basically the part of online marketing which uses digital and web based technologies including desktop computers, hand held devices and other electronic media and channels to promote goods and services to the end user. The use of this kind of marketing has greatly increased over the years since it is much more cost effective than other forms of traditional marketing and advertising. It also provides for a higher return on investment (ROI) since there is no need for you to physically store, distribute or promote the product/service. Also, the chances of getting new customers are high when using digital marketing methods, as opposed to other conventional marketing strategies which require physical store fronts, for instance. With the advent of the internet, digital marketing has become one of the most popular forms of online advertising and promotion worldwide.

Today, digital marketing strategy covers a wide range of activities like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media marketing, web content writing, blogs and press releases. There are many types of digital marketing strategies, as explained below: Paid Search Marketing (PPC), Pay per Click (PPC), Social Media Marketing, Online Branding and Advertisement, and Viral Video Marketing. Each of these can be used separately or in combination with each other to get the best results. Below is a brief description of each digital marketing strategy.

Paid Search Marketing: Paid search marketing is a form of digital marketing where you will bid for keyword phrases related to your business. Your bidding is based on the competition and the keywords used by your competitors. You can choose to bid based on cost per click, impression, cost per action or a combination of these. This form of digital marketing is very effective in reaching out to your target audience. Since you have to pay for every click, it is best to focus your keyword campaigns on these keywords and spend less on the others.

Pay Per Click (PPC): Pay per click is one of the most effective methods that you can use in order to drive traffic to your website. With this strategy, you will only pay when someone actually clicks on your advertisement. The money that you can make here is directly related to the number of clicks your ads get. However, if you cannot generate enough traffic, you might end up paying more. Another thing about PPC is that you will only be able to convert a small percentage of your potential customers into actual sales. Thus, it is important to focus on keywords that have a high conversion rate.

Social Media Marketing: As per Google, this is one of the top three strategies used by digital marketing professionals. Social media enables you to create a buzz around your product or service. You can engage in discussions, reviews and feedbacks on your products or services and this will help you to spread the word about your brand. You can also share reviews on your product or service on review sites like Google+, Facebook and Twitter and this will help you in building good customer relations. Moreover, social media helps you to get more exposure and traffic to your website.

Email Marketing: If you are still struggling to find an effective digital marketing strategy for your business, consider incorporating an email campaign. This will enable you to reach your target audience with a customized email campaign. You can use your email campaign to offer freebies or discounts to your prospective clients and you can also track the effectiveness of your advertising. Your email campaign can also help you to build better customer relations.

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